R系列齒輪減速機 R series helical gear 點擊圖片放大

R系列齒輪減速機 R series helical gear


性能與空間要求的絕佳配比 –斜齒輪減速機系列產品共有20個規格,扭矩值和速比分級精細。同時,在您的應用場合中也能實現高效率傳動。

They feature an ideal ratio between performance and space requirements – also in your application: Twenty frame sizes of the helical gear unit portfolio, with finely stepped torque ratings and gear unit ratios. High efficiency included.


斜齒輪減速機是產品中的經典系列:涵蓋6個規格的單級減速機和14個規格的2級、3級減速機,扭矩範圍從50至18 000 Nm。速比範圍廣,從i = 1.30至i = 289.74,雙級減速機甚至可以達到i = 27 001。扭矩和速比分級精細,市場罕有。

運用模塊化概念,可以將R系列減速機與交流電機相連,組合形成 R..DR.. 斜齒輪減速電機,以及與伺服電機相連,組合形成 R..CMP 斜齒輪伺服減速電機 。您也可以單獨選擇符合您要求的 交流電機 或 伺服電機 。

Helical gear units are the "hidden classics" in our gear unit portfolio: 6 single-stage and 15 two- and three-stage frame sizes cover a torque range from 50 to 18 000 Nm. This gear unit series is also far ahead in terms of gear unit ratios: from i = 1.30 to i = 289.74, in double gear units even i = 27 001. Torque ratings and gear unit ratios this finely stepped are hard to find in the market.

The demand for high output speeds or low weight is met by the R gear units as well, of course. Always with a high level of efficiency, our helical gear units offer an optimum ratio between torque output and installation space. This means: a helical gear unit almost always fits your application.

Only half the solution without a motor? Then use our modular concept and combine the gear units of the R series with an AC motor to a R..DR.. helical gearmotor, or with a servomotor to an R..CMP helical servo gearmotor of your choice. Or simply choose the separate AC motor or servomotor that meets your requirements.