K系列齒輪減速機 K series helical-bevel gear
規格介紹:K系列齒輪減速機 K series helical-bevel gear
Thanks to their long maintenance-free operating life and their wear-free gearing, our helical-bevel gear units are – technically speaking – economical right-angle gear units. Their high level of efficiency, however, makes them real energy savers.
我們的緊湊設計在斜齒輪-錐齒輪減速機中得到了最充分的展示。本方案特別適用於可用安裝空間狹小的機械應用場合。這種情況下您既需要驅動技術功率強勁,又需要它設計緊湊。這就是我們斜齒輪-錐齒輪減速機的理想環境,它的扭矩範圍可以達到80到50,000 Nm。
產品系列: K..39和K..49完善了2級斜齒輪-錐齒輪減速機系列。它們與K..19和K..29一同設定標準:4種規格產品提供的扭矩範圍達到80 Nm至500 Nm。
運用模塊化概念,將K系列減速機與交流電機相連,組合形成K..DR.. 斜齒輪-錐齒輪減速電機,以及與伺服電機相連,組合形成K..CMP 斜齒輪-錐齒輪伺服減速電機。您也可以單獨選擇符合您要求的 交流電機 或 伺服電機 。
The compact design of all our gear units is most obvious in our helical-bevel gear units. This property is particularly interesting, for example, for machine applications with limited space available. Here, you need powerful drive technology with a compact design. This is just the right environment for our helical-bevel gear units with a torque range from 80 to 50,000 Nm.
With their high efficiency in both directions of rotation and at any input speed, these right-angle gear units are very energy-efficient. Their high-endurance gearing is wear-free and lasts a gear unit's lifetime. For precise positioning tasks, you can use the K series gear units with reduced backlash.
in our portfolio: sizes K..39 and K..49 complete our range of two-stage helical-bevel gear units. They set the standards together with sizes K..19 and K..29: four sizes allow for torques from 80 Nm to 500 Nm.
Only half the solution without a motor? Then use our modular concept and combine the gear units of the K series with an AC motor to a K..DR.. helical-bevel gearmotor, or with a servomotor to a K..CMP helical-bevel servo gearmotor of your choice. Or simply choose the separate AC motor or servomotor that meets your requirements.